Wadebridge School Equality Scheme

This scheme was developed with due regard to guidance published by the Department for Education on the Equality Act 2010 and Schools: Departmental advice for school leaders, school staff, governing bodies and local authorities. The Equality Act 2010 makes it unlawful for a school to discriminate against a pupil or prospective pupil by treating them less favourably because of any of the following protected characteristics: 

Sex; Race; Disability;  Religion or belief;  Sexual orientation; Gender reassignment;  Pregnancy or maternity.

A person’s age is also a protected characteristic in relation to employment but age as a protected characteristic does not apply to pupils in schools. 

Through the implementation of this scheme we will ensure that every student irrespective of race, disability, sex, religion or belief, sexual orientation, pregnancy or maternity, gender reassignment, is able to achieve high standards and that strategies are in place to tackle underachievement. We will ensure that every pupil has access to the necessary support required to enable them to achieve their highest potential. We will ensure that Wadebridge School’s procedures for disciplining pupils and managing behaviour are fair, effective and equitable. 

Our vision: 

• For every student to feel valued for who they are, so they can grow and flourish into confident, successful adults 

• For every student to have no barriers to opportunity, achievement, success or enjoyment 

• For all members of our school community to feel valued and their diversity recognised and celebrated 

• That the wider community benefits from the work of the school, building on the values of community cohesion.

Equality Objectives

a) To raise the achievement of boys in order to narrow the gap between boys’ progress and that of girls

b) To reduce number of incidents where homophobic language is used

c) To improve facilities so that disabled pupils have equal access to all areas of the curriculum as learners who are not disabled

Details of how we will work towards these objectives can be found in the school improvement and access plans.

The full equality scheme can be read here: Wadebridge School Equality Scheme.

Related documents

  1. 2010 Equality Act - DfE advice to schools 
  2. Cornwall Schools transgender guidance
  3. Wadebridge School Disability Access Plan


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