Safeguarding Statement

At Wadebridge School we recognise our duty to ensure that all adults within the school community are able to react appropriately to any issue relating to the welfare and protection of a child who may be at risk or in need. All members of the school community (including volunteers and governors) work to maintain a safe, caring environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk to adults they can trust and are listened to. Through training, all staff will be able to recognise signs of abuse and understand their responsibilities when a child may be at risk of harm. Training of all staff will be updated each year. The full policy should be read by every member of teaching and non teaching staff and will be circulated at the beginning of each academic year.

The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) are Mr Winzor (Headteacher) and Mr Bateman (Assistant Headteacher).

Please click here to read the full Child Protection and Safeguarding policy 2024.

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