Mental Health and Well-being

The World Health Organisation states that "Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" and that "mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community."

Mental health and well-being are fundamental to our collective and individual ability as humans to think, feel, interact with each other, earn a living and enjoy life and the promotion, protection and restoration of mental health is a vital concern of individuals and communities. At Wadebridge School we feel that good mental health and well-being can best be realised through creating a whole school culture that seeks to promote positive relationships throughout our community and implementing targeted and specific actions to promote the health and well-being of our students, parents and staff. In July 2020 we were delighted that this whole school ethos was acknowledged as the school received a Gold Award from the Carnegie Centre of Excellence for Mental Health in Schools for our work in this filed; the full report can be read School Mental health Award 2020In November 2023, we were once again very proud to this highest standard of award as an endorsement of our work in this increasingly important field; the full 2023 report can be accessed here - School Mental Health Award 2023.

We consider Wadebridge School to be a trauma informed school (TIS). We are aware that many children have lived through adverse childhood experiences and that these experiences can have a traumatic impact on children and lead to troubled behaviour becoming a barrier to learning. We have 5 non-teaching professionals who are diploma qualified TIS practitioners able to provide one:one support to pupils. In June 2021 the school welcomed consultants from Headstart Kernow and TIS UK to audit the school's provision. This was a very positive process which identified many areas of strength, the overall assessment reads as follows:
Wadebridge is a truly warm, caring and inclusive school. Students consistently talked about the support for wellbeing that they receive here and the way in which adults help them. Students have access to emotionally available adults and know where to find them. These adults are well trained and have a good understanding of best ways to support children. The school makes effective use of motional to monitor student’s needs and to establish bespoke programmes/ interventions for them. The senior leadership team model positive relationships including PACE and are fully invested in students, staff and parents. The wellbeing of all these stakeholders comes first and there is a strong awareness of the need to provide psychological safety within the environment and attachment to adults if students are to achieve their best. School leaders are passionate about the students and the wellbeing of all those associated with the school. Their commitment, visibility and willingness to actively support wellbeing is what makes this such a core aspect of the culture of the school, and makes the school such a positive place to be.
The full report can be accessed here.
At Wadebridge School we are committed to making the promotion positive mental health and wellbeing everybody's business, a brief summary of our work has been celebrated in this Department for Education blog.
The school's policy on promoting positive mental health can be accessed here.

The school's work in this area is lead by two colleagues who have each received extensive training in this from DfE approved providers:

If you have any questions about Mental Health provision in Wadebridge School, or are concerned about a child's mental health please contact and the most appropriate member of staff will be in touch.

Red Example Button

If you'd like to report something that you are concerned about or think we need to know, then please click on the link above. We will combine this with any other relevant information we have in order to decide what action we will take. Anything you write can be sent anonymously HOWEVER we can give you more support if you decide to share your name etc. We will also then be able to provide feedback of any actions we have taken. 

Examples of our parent wellbeing newsletters can be accessed below:-

February 2024  March 2024 May 2024 June 2024

Autumn Term 2022 Spring 1 2023 Spring 2 2023 Summer 2023 Autumn 2023

Presentations relation to specific mental health issues relating to young people can be accessed here:
The Government have compiled a comprehensive list of mental health resources for students, parents, carers and staff here The Education Hub:

A variety of other resources to support young people and their parents experiencing problems with mental health can be found here.
The Anna Freud: National Centre for Children and Families website has a range of help and advice:
MindEd for families has a wealth of high quality resources on topics such as: parenting tips; talking to a teenager; building confidence and resilience; anger and aggression; sleep difficulties, family relationship problems; drug and alcohol use; eating disorders; poor concentration and over-activity; flashback, trauma and bullying; mood swings and muddled thinking; sex and sexuality; autistic spectrum disorders, tics and twitches.
Headmeds is a website designed to give information relating to mental health conditions and medication.
Young Minds provides a wide range of resources for professional, pupils and parents, including tips for parents on supporting your child during exam times.
This is an informative blog about teenage burn out:5 Signs of Burnout in Your Teen
Di Lobbett's website Potent Parenting has many useful resources relating to bringing up children - Di works with the school on a regular basis and we can arrange for parents to receive a consultation.

Rethink Mental Illness @Rethink
School Mental Health @SchoolMHealth
Dr Pooky Knightsmith @PookyH
Natasha Deveon @_NatashaDevon
Young Minds @YoungMindsUK
Samaritans @samaritans
Mental Health Foundation @mentalhealth
Heads Together @heads_together
Time to change @TimetoChange
Mental Health First Aid England @MHFAEngland

The following articles and videos have been created by Pooky Knightsmith, an internationally respected commentator and writer on child and adolescent mental health.                                                                            

Blogs and Articles


Recognising and responding to faulty thinking patterns

Managing angry outbursts using calm communication
Learning from angry, aggressive or anxious meltdowns - 5 whys

Helping Children Overcome School Refusal

How to Listen so Young People Feel Supported
Promoting Positive Body Image
 7 Simple Ways to Calm Anxious Thoughts and Feelings

Anxiety: 6 ways to make life more manageable
4 ideas for supporting a child with anxiety


 What Not to Say if a Child is Self-harming

Self-sooth boxes - what, why, how? 

Creating a healthier coping plan to help stop self-harming

Self-harm - how to stop - recovery ideas that work

 4 strategies for Getting Through Panic Attacks

Eating Disorders: 10 Warning Signs 

 7 Guidelines for Supporting A Loved One with an Eating Disorder

 Using Mindful Moments to Reduce Anxiety

Self Help Recordings:

Please do not listen to any of these recordings if you are driving, in a moving vehicle, whilst operating machinery or at any other time where you need to maintain a state of full conscious awareness.   The best way to listen and get the most out of the recordings is when you are lying down on a sofa or bed, or sitting comfortably on a chair, making sure there are no distractions around you. 

Calm Down in 5 Minutes - Listen to this recording if you are feeling panicky, upset, angry, emotional or just need to calm down in general.

5 Minute Mindfulness Meditation - Take 5 minutes out of your day to relax, unwind, focus and clear your head. Daily practice of mindfulness is good for your mental and emotional health and well-being.

Guided Visualisation for Unwinding and letting go of Stress - This guided visualisation will take you on a little journey through a forest, helping you feel calmer, relaxed and more in control of your thoughts and feelings by the end of it.

Help to Fall Asleep at Night - If you are struggling to fall asleep at night or you find your mind becomes overactive the minute your head hits the pillow, then listening to this recording can help to distract your conscious mind and allow you to drift off in to a restful sleep.

Relieve Tension in the Body - Aching muscles? Tension Headache? Feeling Uptight? Listen to this recording to help you relax your body and mind and relieve tension. 

Learn to Relax - Guided Relaxation - Total mind and Body Relaxation. Start or end your day by giving yourself the gift of 20 minutes blissful relaxation. You're worth it!

All Recordings made for Wadebridge School by Cornwall Hypno. Click here for more information. 

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