Wadebridge School Uniform
We are currently runing a number of pre-loved uniform sales. Check The Wadebridge Weekly for the date of the next sale.
Wadebridge Food bank also holds a selection of preloved uniform and PE kit.
Please note - Proserve continue to supply our school PE kit but no longer supply school trousers. Macron (the supplier of our shorts & skirts)also have a selection of school trousers and offer a facility to try on different sizes. They are located on the A30 Business Park at Indian Queens.
Uniform Code
Many high street stores in the run up to the new school year start to sell 'school uniform' under marketing campaigns such as 'Back to School'. Many of these items do not meet our uniform code so the following is an important guide to what is acceptable and compliant with Wadebridge School's uniform code. Frequent checks are made of the school uniform and students are expected to comply throughout the school year. Parents will be contacted to correct any non-compliance, but we will also have suitable replacements for them to change into if this cannot be done immediately.
School Knitwear

Students have a choice of a jumper or cardigan both of which have the school badge on. We are however moving to a v-neck sweatshirt version for this year. These items are available from our supplier Wovina in Bodmin. The uniform can be ordered on-line at www.wovina.com, or by telephoning Wovina direct on 01208 73484. We understand that children often wear a sweatshirt or hoodie as an “outside” coat, however, these must be removed on entering the buildings and not worn in lesson or as a replacement for their school jumper otherwise they may be kept until the end of the day.
School Shorts
Shorts have been added as a non-compulsory item to the school uniform code. They can be purchased from Macron / Stud Sports, Unit 8a, A30 Business Park, Indian Queens TR9 6FZ Tel. 01637 881039 or online https://macronstoresw.com/schools/wadebridge-school The school shorts may be worn all year round - it is important to note that - the uniform shorts are plain black with the school badge on the leg.
Other plain black tailored shorts of the same style and length as those provided by Macron are permitted. No sports shorts are permissible for school uniform.
School Ties
Year 7 - 10 continue to use the Wadebridge School clip-on style tie (available from Wovina and from School priced at £5.90), but Year 11 have a special tie which is voted for by the year group, the sales of which contribute to the students’ prom fund. The Year 11 tie is only available from School and students purchase them annually. Replacement ties are also available from the School office. We are very proud of our students and their achievements, and occasionally other ties (such as county awards) are permitted, but this will need to be discussed with the Key Stage Leader.
These need to be proper shirts and not polo shirts. They should be white and of an appropriate length (i.e. no midriffs on show) and should certainly not have a plunging neck line. Girls' shirts still need to allow a clip-on tie to be worn sensibly.
Trousers & Skirts
Trousers are to be black and remain black - not fading to grey over time. They should be full length. Black jeans (or jean styled trousers - with rivets or patch style back pockets), black chinos, leggings or jeggings and jogging bottoms are not suitable.
Skirts should be black and only of the three styles available from https://macronstoresw.com/schools/wadebridge-school/ . Skirts must fall no higher than 5cm above the knee. Skirts not purchased from Macron must be of the same style and minimum length, no Lycra stretch skirts are appropriate and students in other styles will be asked to change out of inappropriate clothing during registration and loaned appropriate clothing for the day.
Extra advice available on this support slide Uniform Support.pdf
Socks must be black without colourful logos.
Shoes should be black. Trainers are acceptable, but they must be totally black (i.e. no white bits including soles). Boots of any description are not suitable footwear for school.
To help ensure that our school remains a 'smart' school we have a procedure for when pupils are without their normal school shoes. Pupils who arrive without the correct footwear will need to report to the Learning Resource Centre before school with a note explaining their reasons for not having the correct shoes. They will then be loaned a black pair of shoes for the day and leave their shoes which they can collect at the end of the school day.
Jewellery, Hair and Makeup
Students are permitted to wear one pair of studded earrings, one in each ear. No other piercings are permitted, facial or otherwise. Spacers are not permitted.
Students should have hair of a natural colour and extreme hair styles are not permitted.
Make up should be subtle and not excessive; coloured nail polish is not permitted, neither are any form of nail enhancements.
PE Kit
All School PE Kit is supplied by a company called Proserve and can be ordered via their website or by using this order form.