Relationships, Sex and Health Education
Since September 2020 Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) is compulsory for
all pupils receiving secondary education.
Our RSHE curriculum has been designed to support the needs of Wadebridge Pupils and is regularly adapted based on pupil voice.
A presentation outlining the RSHE curriculum can be assessed here: RSHE presentation to parents.
In RSHE lessons we use curriculum resources from Life Lessons: a Life Lessons webpage designed to inform parents about the importance of RSHE can be accessed here: RSHE explained for Parents
Examples of pupils' work and the activities they engage in can be seen below.
RSHE Aims to produce ‘Confident young people able to make informed choices
Key Stage 3
Relationship Sex and Health Education (RSHE) at Key Stage 3 is designed to enable pupils to be inquisitive and receive the facts about topics central to their development and the world around them. Teaching and learning in our discrete once a week lessons, is focussed on discussion and debate within a safe and supportive environment where everyone matters. Our team of senior teachers visit relevant and sometimes controversial topics through creative tasks and fact finding. The curriculum content is planned to be age appropriate and supportive of other subject content. For example, Puberty is covered in Year 7 Science, where pupils learn the facts. In RSHE we use this Science knowledge to investigate emotional changes. Relationship topics build upon the school ethos of supporting diversity and reinforce our strict policies on bullying and discrimination. Central to RSHE throughout all Key Stages is also the development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, including diet, fitness and making safe choices and first aid.
Key Stage 4
Relationship Sex and Health Education (RSHE) supports all aspects of life at Wadebridge School. The Key Stage 4 programme aims to provide pupils with an abundance of opportunities to discuss and consider pertinent and relevant topics, important to their development into young adults. RSHE education is covered through discrete lessons once a week, for Year 9 and 10. During these lessons external agencies make an effective contribution bringing a wider range of expertise. Year 11 students receive one lesson a fortnight, focussed on preparing them for greater independence in a life beyond school. Topics such as conflict resolution, personal values and responsible choices aim to develop young adults with self-efficacy and the ability to make informed choices.
The Key Stage 4 RSHE teaching team is made up of senior teachers and members of the senior leadership team. This supports the high status we place on RSHE education and it’s centrality to the vision and ethos of our school. Staff use a range of imaginative teaching strategies and the programme is constantly updated to respond to the issues that our students face. Students work in safe and secure learning environments that enable them to explore health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. We are proud that our students willingly discuss and debate sensitive and controversial issues, and have the confidence to challenge attitudes/behaviour that they see as negative.
Wadebridge School is dedicated to encouraging all pupils to make a genuine and valued contribution to school life. Examples include the Empower team, a group of Year 10 students who are trained to provide peer support and mentoring for younger students, and PRIDE, a group that focuses on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning (LGBTQ) peer support. PRIDE raises awareness of LGBTQ issues and celebrates equality, diversity and acceptance within our school.
Our RSHE content is supported by form time sessions on employability skills, online presence, financial decision making and preparing for next steps.
Find a more detailed version of the Scheme of Learning here
Celebration of RSHE Student Work, Whole School Events & Competitions
An example of a speech written by a Year 10 student after studying the Black Lives Matter movement in RSHE - Year 10 BLM speech.
Year 10 Work on FESTIVALS
World Mental Health Day
Fundraising for Cornwall Mind - Non-uniform day & Staff Sky Dive

Since the start of Lockdown 2021 RSHE have been encouraging pupils to use their knowledge on Self Care and Mental Health to take care of their wellbeing. We have also been delivering lessons on Diversity, LGBTQ+ and First Aid. Here are just some of the wonderful learning and self care that has been taking place in the homes of Wadebridge Pupils during RSHE lessons.
#Childrens Mental Health Week 1-7 Feb 2021
Our first ever RSHE Competition; supporting Childrens Mental Health Week and the importance of self expression, was a HUGE success. We were inundated with videos, art work, music, poems from every year group in the school. The quality of the entries was outstanding, choosing the winners was almost impossible. Thank you to everyone that took part, and big Congratulations to our winners.