Wadebridge PE Vision
Work within the Wadebridge Physical Education Department at all Key Stages is designed to support, contribute to and compliment the aims of the school. The curriculum offers a comprehensive range of experiences to meet the needs of the individual students, is designed to inspire all pupils, allowing them to succeed and excel in competitive sport and other physically-demanding activities. Pupils develop physical competencies in a way that also supports their health and fitness. This experience is complemented and extended through a significant extra-curricular programme designed to allow further development of skills in both competitive and non-competitive environments. The development of confidence, tolerance and the appreciation of one’s own and others’ strengths and weaknesses are considered to be an important part of the learning process where personalising learning and challenge are integral to success and embed values such as fairness and respect.
Aims - Achievement for All
- To increase knowledge and promote positive attitudes to health and fitness.
- To develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities.
- To be physically active for sustained periods of time.
- To engage in competitive sports and activities.

- The unswerving support of the HT and the Business Manager. It is at the heart of the school.
- The collapsing of their personal TTs for elite and potentially elite athletes to attend their training and competitions.
- The harnessing of other subjects under the PE Umbrella adding to the rich culture of the school in the arts and literacy.
- The integration of the school offer with the seamless use of the sports centre.
Key Stage 3 Curriculum
The Key Stage 3 PE curriculum consists of a structured set of high-quality lessons which allow pupils to develop competencies in a board range of different activities. Students have 4 lessons over the 2 week timetable and will alternate between activities across each half term.
The curriuclum is designed to be gender neutral and pupils are reguly invited to give feedback related to their PE lessons and the activities they undertake.
Pupils are taught:
- to use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in direct competition through team and individual games. this is tightly linked to our Olympic legacy work and our Country House system that runs through the year and culminates with 2 days of sport for all pupils.
- to develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports
- to perform dances using advanced techniques within a range of dance styles.
- to take part in outdoor adventurous activities which present intellectual and physical challenges. Team work is encouraged and developed along with problem solving skills individually and in groups.
- to analyse their performances compared to previous ones and demonstrate improvement to achieve their personal best.
- to take part Progression opportunities
A Typical KS3 Overview for pupils would look like this: Key Stage 3 Core Curriculum Map
Key Stage 3 Assessment
Pupils are assessed in their ability to do the following:
1. Develop understanding to lead healthy, active lives
2. Develop competence to excel in a broad range of physical activities
3. Apply understanding of what makes a performance effective (self/peers)
4. Be physically active for sustained periods of time
5. Engage in competative sports and activities
The assessment is sent to parents as part of the whole school reporting system and pupils are awarded Below, Meeting or Above.
The KS3 assessment breakdown is outlined for pupils here: Assessment Breakdown - Year 7 8 and 9.pdf
Key Stage 4 Curriculum
The Key Stage 4 PE Curriculum consists of a core programme which all pupils follow. This is 4 hours over the 2 week timetable and is an optional strand based system that allows students to personalise their learning. The core programme also includes the Sports Leaders Level 1 qualification as one of its strands of learning. In addition to the core programme students can also choose to take the NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness. This is a GCSE equivalent examination course and will be an additional 4 hours of lessons over the 2 week timetable.
The core programme aims to give pupils the opportunity to tackle complex and demanding activities and get involved in a range of activities that help develop personal fitness, all promoting an active, healthy lifestyle.
Pupils are taught:
- to use a range of tactics and strategies to overcome opponents in teams and individual games.
- to develop their technique and improve their performance in other competitive sports.
- to take part in further outdoor adventurous activities in a range of environments which present intellectual and physical challenges. We promote the access to the Duke of Edinburgh's Award scheme and also work closely with outside providers including Surfs Up to extend our provision.
- to evaluate their performances compared to pervious ones and demonstrate improvement across a range of physical activities to achieve their personal best.
- to take part in competitive sports and activities outside of school. Pupil are signposted to the extensive extra-curricular programme as well as local community clubs.
Key Stage 4 Core PE Programme
Key stage 4 Core Curriculum Map
NCFE Level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness
The NCFE level 1/2 Technical Award in Health and Fitness is a complementary technical award and the vocational equivalent to GCSE qualifications. It is aimed at 14-16 year olds studying their Key Stage 4 curriculum and interested in any of the health and fitness contexts such as exercise, lifestyles and diet. The qualification focuses on an applied study of the health and fitness sector and learners will gain a broad knowledge and understanding of working in the sector. The qualification have been designed to sit alongside the requirements of core GCSE subjects. It is appropriate for learners who are motivated and challenged by learning through hands-on experiences and through content which is concrete and related directly to those experiences. The NCFE Health and Fitness Course is appropriate for ALL learners who are looking to develop significant core of knowledge and understanding of physical activity and sport. They will develop the ability to and apply that knowledge when preparing, planning and developing a health and fitness programme.
The course is mainly theory based learning in a classroom setting. However, we do also use practical lessons to reinforce the theory content.
For the full course specification please follow this link: NCFE health and fitness specification 2023 onwards.pdf
What is studied?
There are 8 Content Areas with the Health and Fitness Course.
These Content Areas are assessed within a Formal Exam, which is taken at the end of Year 10 and a piece of Coursework which is completed in Year 11.
Content Areas
1. Structure and function of body systems
2. Effects of health and fitness activities on the body
3. Health and fitness and the components of fitness
4. Principles of training
5. Testing and developing components of fitness
6. Impact of lifestyle on health and fitness
7. Applying health and fitness analysis and setting goals
8. Structure of a health and fitness programme and how to prepare safely
The grading criteria is Pass, Merit and Distinction. The following table shows how it matches up against the new and old GCSE grading criteria.
The NCFE 1/2 Technical Award oin Health and Fitness Assessment Model information.
- The Non-examination assessment (NEA) is the Coursework and is 60% of the final grade.
- The Examined assessment (EA) is the Formal Exam and is 40% of the final grade.
Progression Opportunities
Depending on the grade the learner achieves in this qualification, they could progress to level 2 and level 3 qualifications and/or GCSE/A Levels.
Learners who achieve at level 1 might consider progression to level 2 qualifications post-16, such as:
• GCSE in Physical Education
• study at level 2 in a range of technical routes that have been designed for progression to employment, apprenticeships and further study, examples might include level 2 technical certificates in:
o sport and physical activity
o sport and activities leaders
o exercise and fitness instruction
o exercise and fitness instruction for wellbeing
o coaching sport and instructing physical activities
o physical activity and exercise science
Technical certificate qualifications provide post-16 learners with the knowledge and skills they need for skilled employment or for further technical study.
Learners who achieve at level 2 might consider progression to level 3 qualifications post-16, such as:
• level 3 applied generals in:
o sport studies o sport and physical activity
o sports performance and excellence
o sport and exercise science
• level 3 technical levels in:
o sport and physical activity
o personal training
o personal training and behaviour change
o fitness services o exercise science and personal training
o personal training for health, fitness and performance
o physical activity and exercise science
• A Level in Physical Education and Sport (this will support progression to higher education)
Learners could also progress into employment or onto an apprenticeship. The understanding and skills gained through this qualification could be useful to progress onto an apprenticeship in the health and fitness sector through a variety of occupations that are available within the sector, such as health assistants, fitness instructors or personal trainers.
Extra Curricular Sports Opportunities
At Wadebridge we provide a wide range of sporting opportunities for our pupils and have an extensive extra-curricular programme to support this aim.
The information below shows an example of our provision for 2023/24:
Autumn Term 2023
Spring Term 2024
Summer Term 2024
Activities will change with the different terms along with the entry to numerous County and National Competitions. The programme also follows the Cornwall School Games structure and aims to allow pupils to develop skills which can then be used in School Games Events throughout the year.
Celebrating success at Wadebridge School
As a department we value the effort and commitment of all pupil in their PE, school sports and community activities. We have a hugely talented base of pupils and endeavor to support and recognise as many pupils as possible for getting involved and finding success in any and all activities and sports.
We regularly report success through our Sports Newsletters which are sent to pupils and parents through Classcharts.
If you are keen to share some success regarding pupils or teams in the community please email the Curriculum Area Leader of PE dabbiss@wadebridge.cornwall.sch.uk