Key Stage 3 – Years 7 and 8
Outline Tutor Time Programme

A message from Mr Petchey
As Leader of Key Stage 3 I am committed to ensuring that you, the pupil, achieve your dreams and aspire to be as successful as possible.
Working with me to ensure this happens are the Form Tutors, Deputy Key Stage 3 Leader Mrs Cervi, KS3 Pastoral Support Assistant Mrs Murphy and the Student Support Team. We are here to support you at school and will not turn away anyone who needs our help or assistance. Wadebridge School provides an environment in which we all feel safe, supported and motivated to do the very best we can. In Key Stage 3 we look to develop positive approaches to Learning, Organisation and Personal Standards. I believe that a smart uniform creates a professional approach to learning and therefore I expect pupils in Years 7, 8 to always be correctly dressed.
I also believe in rewarding and recognising positive progress in your learning, therefore be aware, I may pounce at any time!
It is often said that your school years are "the best years of your life"; I would of course agree and I hope you do too. Education should be about enjoyment; outside of the curriculum there are "Year" social activities, educational visits and varied inter-form competitions: the list goes on. The question is: will you take part in all these opportunities? I sincerely hope you do and I look forward to seeing you continue to develop throughout your time at Wadebridge School.
Mr P Petchey (Key Stage 3 Leader)